
Individuals who met the Rebbe or corresponded with him tell of the experiences
Individuals who met the Rebbe in person and corresponded with him tell of experiences that touched them, impacted their lives, and in turn, caused them to inspire others. In their stories, a part of the Rebbe's life story is told.

A glimpse into the life of Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
A glimpse into the life of Chaya Mushka Schneerson, of righteous memory, wife of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. "The Rebbetzin" presents stories told by several of those who knew her.

Showing support to the soldiers and our brothers and sisters in Israel
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan headed a special delegation to Israel amidst the war in Gaza. He met with soldiers, parents that lost their children in battle, and communities in the south terrorized by rocket fire; and tells of his incredible trip.

"Give me one minute, I'll give you cosmic consciousness"
Rabbi Infinity, "your favorite kabbalist," provides mystic insights and spiritual guidance for enlightened life in the fast lane. From his hi-tech KabbalaLab, with the help of his amazing Isification Device, he demonstrates how a laser gun, a needle & thread, a chair, a paper airplane and all sorts of other common objects can reveal to us the secret wisdom of the universe and the pathways to sublime meaningful life--all in the time of a standard TV commercial.

Short stories of Jewish courage amidst constant threat in Communist Soviet Union
Rabbi Hillel Zaltman takes us back in time to the perilous days in the former Soviet Union when he lived in Samarkand and was active in the Chassidic “underground” to uphold Judaism under the dangerous and watchful eyes of the KGB. This riveting narrative is a true testament to heroic Jewish fortitude and perseverance.

A Chaplain's Recollections of 9-11
Colonel Jacob Z. Goldstein of the New York Army National Guard recalls the fateful events of September 11th as he tended to the spiritual needs at the site of the fallen towers and his experiences during the four and a half months he spent at Ground Zero. (Many viewers may find details described to be extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion advised.)

A journey of discovery and healing from the ruins of the Third Reich
The son of a decorated German officer, Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger was forced at a young age to confront his father’s unbroken allegiance to the Nazis. His journey ultimately led him to convert to Judaism and serve in the Israel Defense Forces. (Filmed at Chabad of the Upper East Side, NYC)

A journey of healing from horrific grief
Koby Mandell was just thirteen on May 8, 2001, when he and his friend cut school to go hiking. Their bodies were found the next day. The boys had been brutally stoned to death in a cave in the heart of the Judean desert. Koby’s mom, Sherri Mandell, shares her emotional story of hope and faith.

A Torah Approach to Successful Communication
Speech is what defines us as human beings. How we speak determines the type of human beings that we are. This class demonstrates how to properly communicate feelings of need, hurt and criticism in a constructive and loving manner based on a five-step process according to Chassidic and Kabbalistic philosophy.

A child survivor of Auschwitz
Rabbi Nissen Mangel was a 10-year-old child when he came to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz. There he witnessed unspeakable atrocities, but he also witnessed amazing acts of faith. In this moving and powerful talk, Rabbi Mangel tells his firsthand account of what he saw. (Many viewers may find details described to be extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion advised.)

Questions and Answers with Alan Dershowitz
Professor Alan Dershowitz fields questions on diverse topics ranging from his relationship with the Lubavitcher Rebbe to whether or not international law would permit a preemptive strike against Iran. This Q&A session was filmed at the Chabad House in Miami Beach.

Traditional Interpretations of the Bible
This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.

A weekly course unleashing the positivity in your life
From the snoozed alarm clock to the big promotion, life is full of opportunities to watch the mundane turn sublime. This course invites you to tap into the spiritual wisdom of the most ancient religious text in the world: the Torah. Our weekly series will take you on a year-long journey towards discovering yourself, and unleashing the hidden potential within you. Join and turn your "good" into "great"!

The Mountain of Sinai and the Desert of Sinai
You may already know that the giving of the Torah -- which we celebrate on the holiday of Shavuot -- took place at Sinai. But what is Sinai? The Torah speaks of a wilderness called Sinai as well as a mountain by the same name. What is the difference between the desert and the mountain? And how does that shape our understanding of what happened there years ago?

Learn Basic Jewish Law from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
Learn basic Jewish laws and customs to properly observe the Torah traditions, with a touch of some of the underlying halachic reasoning and practical applications, and occasional chassidic insights. This class is based on the text of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (the abridged code of Jewish law).

Learn a Maamar from Samach Vov
The series of chassidic discourses affectionately known as Samach Vov, from the year 5666 by the Fifth Chabad Rebbe, the Rebbe Rashab, are famous for their exceptionally comprehensive and deep nature. Join Dr. Yaakov Brawer for clear and profound elucidations of these discourses.

A Discourse on Prayer by the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe
Line-by-line study of a mystical discourse delivered by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe in Lithuania in 1931. The title is taken from the verse (Kings II 4:10): "Now let us make a small walled upper chamber, and place there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp; and it will be that when he comes to us, he will turn into there."

A Discourse by the Rebbe on the Nature of Miracles
A series of classes based on a chassidic discourse of the Rebbe which explains the inner dynamics of the miraculous and the natural, by way of examining the verse (Michah 7:15) "As in the days of your Exodus from Egypt, I will show [the people] wonders." (Maamar Kimei Tzeischa 5712)

Study the Book of Lamentations
The Book of Lamentations is a sad song which contains the most heartrending prophecies of Jeremiah about the destruction of the Holy Temple and the ensuing exile. Join us for an informative and uplifting text-based study of this Biblical book, which is traditionally read on Tisha B’av.

How 250 Ukrainian Children Escaped the Russia-Ukraine War
Filmed during the Russia-Ukraine War's opening days, this documentary tells the story of how the women and children of Chabad Odesa miraculously escaped the invasion to the safety of Berlin. The film features firsthand stories and footage from refugees, Chabad Rabbis, and the ordinary people who put their lives on pause to help their brothers and sisters in need. Experience the war in Ukraine through the eyes of individuals living through it—beyond what you see on the news. This film was produced by the Ukraine Jewish Relief Desk at Merkos 302

When Nissi Estrin was born, the doctor told his parents he wouldn't survive to see sunset. Five years later, Nissi continues to defy all medical odds, with an infectious love of life that encourages, warms and inspires. This film “The Impossible Child” was produced by Bentzy Avtzon of Yuvla Media. Read the full story in his parents’ book “Of Medicine, Miracles and Mindsets” by Eli and Chaya Rochel Estrin.

An incredible story at the Friendship Circle’s art studio
Born with cerebral palsy and confined to a wheelchair, Felicia Bowers has limited control over her body. She cannot speak and rather uses a retina-controlled device called Tobii to communicate. But the 27 year old from West Bloomfield is drawing incredible portraits that make people stop and stare. And she's doing it in a way no one ever expected – with her eyes!

Despite autism, Zalman Diskin celebrates his bar mitzvah at his parents Chabad center in Munich, Germany. His parents share the painful challenges of having an autistic child and their personal journey of heartbreak and frustration to faith and acceptance. Film credits: Paula Zimerman Targownik and Daniel Targownik

Behind the Edelman family tradition to popularize handmade matzah
A son-in-law and grandson continue a western Massachusetts ‘shmurah matzah’ tradition begun by the late Chabad emissary Rabbi Dovid Edelman, a matzah delivery route that has stretched all the way to the White House’s Seder. Video produced and edited by Pearl Gabel.

Jewish Educational Media pulls back the curtain on the fascinating saga of the violation of Lubavitch’s sacred manuscripts and books—and their ultimate triumph. From the Rebbe’s earliest public references to the theft of Chabad’s treasured library, it was clear that this was a spiritual struggle over the movement’s very soul—as embodied in its holy writings—and even over the very definition of a rebbe. (Excerpt from the complete film)

A documentary tale of truth and humanity confronting deceit and power
In the Beilis trial of 1913, false accusations of ritual murder were leveled against the Jewish people generally, and the chassidic movement specifically. This documentary vividly reconstructs the events as they unfolded, through a series of interviews with experts, alongside period photographs and press clippings.

A day of rest & rejuvenation
See, hear, understand and taste the Shabbat experience. The presentation places one in a Shabbat wonderland, and shows how this is attainable for everyone. This video includes interviews with various Jewish personalities. A must for anyone venturing to take the first steps towards Shabbat observance.

A panel discussion on how studying the foundational book of Chabad teachings has contributed tremendously in their personal spiritual development as Jews. Panelists: Mr. George Rohr, Professor Ran Kivetz, and Dr. Tzipi Glick; moderated by Mrs. Baila Olidort. (From an event celebrating the 19th of Kislev at Kehilath Jeshurun in Manhattan)

The fraught relationship between the Vilna Gaon and R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi
For 18th-century Jewry in Eastern Europe, the city of Vilna was the bastion of Torah scholarship and the center of Talmudic learning, while Mezheritch was the cradle of Chassidism and deep spirituality. The precedence and relevance of these two foci of Jewish life have been debated for close to 300 years.

Join the authors for a fascinating discussion on Jewish words that have been mistranslated and misunderstood for centuries, and probe the big ideas and core values embedded in their etymology. A panel discussion with the authors moderated by Rabbi Moshe Scheiner at the National Jewish Retreat in the summer of 2022.

Code of Jewish Law, Laws of Shabbos, Chapter 329: If non-Jews besiege a Jewish border town—whether in the Holy Land or in the Diaspora—stating that they come only to pilfer straw, Jews are obligated to arm themselves for war, even on Shabbos, because such an intrusion opens up the entire Jewish land to attack.

The nations of the world are watching and waiting: “When will Jews begin to say what they’re really thinking about the Land of Israel?” When a Jew starts talking diplomatic jargon, begging the nations to take more and more land, thinking that in this way he’ll find favor in their eyes – the non-Jew doesn’t believe him, because he’s not talking like a Jew.

Five-minute videos on the practical performance of mitzvot
Ever wonder on the practicality of certain mitzvot such as Shabbat and kosher? How do we perform the mitzvah in this day and age? Wonder no longer! The Deed is a five-minute video presentation describing the practical performance of a mitzvah.

An Address to the Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries
Young Moshe Cohen – the son of shluchim to Manchester, England Rabbi Mendel Cohen and his late wife Esti of blessed memory, who tragically passed away just a month before this event – addresses the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries with words of Torah (Nov. 7, 2010).

The story of Jewish survival in the former Soviet Union
Defying rogue regimes, the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch and their emissaries risked their lives to keep Judaism alive across the Soviet Union. Their efforts enabled the embers of Judaism to spark the transformation of Jewish life thriving there today.

Jewish education for public school students
The Released Time program reaches out to Jewish students in public school and exposes them to their Jewish heritage and religion. Since 1941 Chabad-Lubavitch has been acting on this federal law, which allows children to be excused from class for religious instruction.

A puppet show presentation
Join the great Talmudic sage Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa, as he meets angels, miraculously saves a girl, and witnesses Shabbat lamps burn with vinegar. Children of all ages will be fascinated by the Talmud’s tales of supernatural events, as they gain lessons in honesty, faith in G-d, kindness to others, and many other fundamental Jewish values.

A chassidic melody for Yom Kippur
The words of the nigun Ki Hinei Kachomer are from the Yom Kippur evening prayers: “As metal in the hands of the craftsman, so too we are in Your hands.” Yosef Peysin and Mordy Kurtz of Rogers Park Band perform this traditional Chassidic tune with a fresh modern sound (Laura Melnicoff, cello; Atara Wolf, cinematography).

Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. This inspirational event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 4,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity. This year’s theme is “Shine On.”

Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. This inspirational event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 3,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity. This year’s theme is “Count on Me.”

Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. This inspirational event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 3,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity. This year’s theme is “Meant 2 Be.”

Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. This inspirational event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 2,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity. This year’s theme is “whenever and wherever.”

2020 CTeen Weekend in NYC Closing Ceremony
Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. The Soul-Care event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 2,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity.

Cteen Shabbaton Closing Ceremony
Watch a live broadcast featuring Jewish teens from across the globe fired up to make a world of a difference and change the status quo for good. The iMatter event is the climax of the annual CTeen Shabbaton, where over 2,000 Jewish teens convene in New York for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, Jewish pride and unity.