
Make It Your Business

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Make It Your Business

While the Egyptians enslaved and persecuted the Jews, the Tribe of Levi was given much more freedom than the rest. They were actually allowed to study Torah and engage in holy pursuits. Moses and Aaron who were Levites as well, could have simply ignored the plight of their Jewish brethren and not been any the worse off. But in the end, it was specifically their concern that helped bring the Jews to redemption.
Outreach & Influence, Exodus, Shemot, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Make It Your Business
Disc 187, Program 747

Event Date: 18 Tishrei 5717 - September 23, 1956

While the Egyptians enslaved and persecuted the Jews, the Tribe of Levi was given much more freedom than the rest. They were actually allowed to study Torah and engage in holy pursuits. Moses and Aaron who were Levites as well, could have simply ignored the plight of their Jewish brethren and not been any the worse off. But in the end, it was specifically their concern that helped bring the Jews to redemption.

This teaches us an important lesson as well. It can be much more comfortable, it can even seem more productive, to focus on our personal growth and development. But Moses and Aaron taught us that your fellow’s suffering, is actually very much your own.

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