
Standing Up for Our Future

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Standing Up for Our Future

Faced with the prospect of their baby boys being killed by the Egyptians, the Jews in Egypt followed the lead of Amram, the father of Moses, in flouting Pharaoh's decrees and continuing to have children. These young boys would become the generation to leave the bondage in Egypt and perceive revealed G-dliness at the splitting of the Red Sea.
Jewish Survival, Education, Shemot, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Standing Up for Our Future
Disc 175, Program 697

Event Date: 14 Adar 5723 - March 10, 1963

Faced with the prospect of their baby boys being killed by the Egyptians, the Jews in Egypt followed the lead of Amram, the father of Moses, in flouting Pharaoh's decrees and continuing to have children. These young boys would become the generation to leave the bondage in Egypt and perceive revealed G-dliness at the splitting of the Red Sea.

Today, confronting all the challenges facing us as we raise the next generation of Jews, we should take heed from the Jews in Egypt. We must never cower to those who wish us harm; we must proudly educate and guide our children in the ways of the Almighty and His Torah.

Living Torah

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