
Creative Projects & More

Shavuot Ice Cream Party
Plan a beautiful—and delectable—ice cream party for your friends and family.
Planning a Chanukah Party
Chanukah can be a welcome oasis from the pressure of day-to-day life. A time to relax and celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, Chanukah is the perfect time to host a casual get-together for close friends . . .
Making Mirror Menorahs
The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer... it must be almost Chanukah! With so much darkness, it's perfect timing for a holiday that celebrates light...
Homemade Wrapping Paper
Depending on the size of your gift list and how crafty you are, you may or may not be able to give homemade gifts, but you can certainly add a personal touch with some homemade wrapping paper . . .
An Elegant and Creative Rosh Hashanah Table
After investing hours and hours on food preparation you will most certainly want to place your delicacies on an elegant table. Convinced? Here's how you can make this year's table look like a bountiful feast befitting royalty...
Sweet Rewards of Rosh Hashanah Rituals
"What's up with the brisket, Grandma?" my preteen son asked, echoing my suspicions that bubbe's famous brisket—the eternal pillar of my family's High Holiday feasts—had undergone an unprecedented facelift...
Red, White, and Green
Helping the Environment
If we don't take care of our world, our planet, our earth, who's going to? Are we going to leave it for our children and grandchildren? The who is you, the where is right where you live, the what is very do-able, and the when is now...
Sedering with the Kids
Passover Seders and antsy kids traditionally go together like matzah balls and chicken soup. Fortunately, it's perfectly possible to prevent the fifth question ("Are we done yet?") and the eleventh plague (restless natives) from showing up at our Passover celebrations...
The Listening Leader
Her sudden, sharp words resonated in my ears like a metal ball bouncing off metal surfaces. They cut me painfully to the quick. My mind was a muddle of emotions: I felt unjustly accused, unappreciated, disappointed...
Organizing Your Spiritual Growth
When Rosh Hashanah approaches, our inner critic tends to get louder. "What did you actually do this year? Was it a productive year? Was it a complete waste?"
Tips for an Easier Fast
Although the Jewish year is filled with wonderful holidays in abundance several times a year—six, to be precise—we fast. Some people find fasting quite arduous, so there are some pointers that can help ease the fast-related hunger pangs.
Kosher Traveling
When my husband and I were offered an incredible, once in a lifetime opportunity to spend a week's vacation on a remote beach island, I was thrilled. But without the possibility of kosher food anywhere nearby, what were we going to eat?
Making Chanukah Candles
Making beeswax candles is the perfect easy craft to do with kids and prepare your home for Chanukah...
Homemade Purim Costume Ideas
When you consider the cost and lack of originality of store-bought costumes, homemade costumes are a more fun, and oftentimes more cost-effective, option . . .
‘Mishloach Manot’ Themes and Ideas
One of the exciting elements of Purim is the obligatory giving of food gifts to friends and family. We are commanded to give at least two food items to at least one person . . .
Tu B'Shevat Fruit Crafts
Here are some great crafts you can do with your kids to celebrate the holiday of Tu B'Shevat...
Get Your Hands Dirty
Most people are afraid to try to garden, or have had some unsuccessful attempts in the past. But gardening is basically following some simple rules, standing back and shouting,— "Man, oh man! Where did all that zucchini come from?!"
The Eishet Chayil School of Business
The Eishet Chayil is the Torah’s description of the ideal Jewish woman. Surprise! She is not only a supportive wife, and a loving mother, but she is also a businesswoman...