Minyan, The |
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Minyan, The: (lit. “number”); the quorum of ten necessary for communal prayer
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Never underestimate the potential of the individual Jew.
It is said that in the merit of praying with a minyan, one will make a living more easily and be blessed with the fruits of his labor. In fact, even if praying with a minyan causes one financial loss, G-d will repay him by granting him extra success...
Why a metaverse minyan is not okay
Is it possible to create a virtual synagogue where everyone would join for prayer online? How about virtual reality, where you literally feel like you are in the same room with your fellow avatars? Could this be a legitimate replacement for group prayer a...
Without ten men, the Amida, the eighteen universal prayers, with a 19th thrown in for extra measure, could not be said out loud. Without ten men, Michael Fein, the richest Jew in town and president of the synagogue, could not say kaddish, the mourner's pr...
The Jew and Prayer: Lesson 2
The various advantages of praying alone and with a group.
The primary focus of our interactions with others should be to ensure that they have food to eat and to welcome them to our tables.
Question: If the service begins with eleven men, and two leave the room for some unknown reason, is there still a minyan? Answer: If there are not ten men in the room, there is no minyan. Nevertheless, whatever was begun while ten men were in the room can...
Question: Due to my work schedule it is impossible for me to attend morning prayer services in the synagogue, so I plan on praying at home. However, I'm somewhat confused as to which specific prayers I should recite. I understand that some require a minya...
The requirement that a congregation of at least ten adult Jewish males be present for the wedding service was evolved gradually. In Talmudic times, when the nuptials and betrothal were two distinct ceremonies separated by up to a year’s time, the nuptials...
A trip to the Holy Land became a spiritual experience even before we took off.
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