
Science & Technology

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The Kabbalah on the scientific revolution
An 1800 year old, Kabbalistic end-times prophecy clearly predicted the onset of the scientific revolution, right down to the dates, and grants science an illustrious role—as harbinger of the Days of Moshiach and the seventh millennium.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Noach sicha 2
Understanding the Zohar's fascinating messianic prediction about a surge of wisdom and the technological revolution.
A look at science's unanswerable questions
Marcus du Sautoy examines the confines of science; using props, he takes us on a journey to the edges of knowledge. Examples from the laws of probability, chaos theory, and radiation emitting uranium. This lecture explores the limitations of science from ...
The Last Day of Time
If we map time, can we tell where it is taking us? The results are just too uncanny to be written off as coincidence.
Life Lessons from Parshat Ki-Tisa
The sin of the Golden Calf is from the greatest tragedies in Jewish history. Examining the status of gold in the Torah serves as a model for the proper approach to new discoveries in technology.
From inner space to outer space
Gain insight into Torah perspectives on life beyond Earth, the ramifications of unimaginable technological advances, and life in the unexplored depths of ourselves, as seen in the works of the great Jewish thinkers from Maimonides to the Lubavitcher Rebbe...
Theories of Everything - Part 1
An understanding of G-d's Four-Letter Name offers a possible synthesis of two heretofore irreconcilable theories -- Quantum Theory and the Theory of Relativity.
The world was created by G-d, Who is infinite. It follows then, that in every single creation there must be evidence of the artisan who created it. It must contain some resemblance to its Creator’s infiniteness.
Theories of Everything - Part 12
Uncanny similarities are noted between the Hyperspace Dimensions of String Theory and the Ten Sefirot of Kabbalah.
Theories of Everything - Part 11
The tenth and highest dimension of reality is described as the "infinite within the finite" that encompasses the dimensionality of all worlds.
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