
Mitzvah; Mitzvot

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Mitzvah; Mitzvot: (lit. “commandment”); one of the Torah’s 613 Divine commandments; a good deed or religious precept; according to Chassidut, the word mitzvah stems from the root tzavta, attachment, the mitzvah creating a bond between G-d who commands and man who performs.
Mitzvah (commandment) also means connection. Kinda like a Wi-Fi that wires us up with G-d. The Rebbe suggested 10 central Mitzvot to get started with. Tap into your mitzvah connection and share it with the world!
A person can be spiritual and even religious without Torah. Why then does Torah insist on a defined set of rules? In addressing this question, an age-old debate between Issac and Ishmael is analyzed, yielding a surprising outcome. (Based on Likutei Sichos...
The Nature of a Mitzvah in the Post-Messianic Era
One source in the Talmud posits that at some point in the Messianic era the commandments will become nullified and obsolete. Yet other sources indicate that the commandments are eternal? This class will resolve the apparent contradiction and present an ov...
How do mitzvahs bring Moshiach?
How the cumulative effect of our positive actions results in the perfect world of Moshiach.
On the Meaning of the Mitzvah
A story of two young Holocaust survivors
A young bride and groom...A noble spirit...A show of true love...And acts of absolute beauty. How do you define "beauty"?
Is our relationship with G-d predicated solely on "obedience" or is there something else at play as well? On the significance on the mitzvah
What are Mitzvot? Why do we need them?
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