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Guidance on Mindful Prayer
In order to give one’s words wings with which they may fly, we endeavor to infuse them with meditative intentions. Learning to inspire prayer with meditation greatly enhances the experience and imbues it with enhanced meaning and reach. This series offers...
Tight, pithy meditations to live by
Here’s something too small to clog your inbox yet so potent, it could change your life: a multi-layered, slow-release prescription for increased wisdom, well-being, and just making sense of life. Each daily dose of wisdom encapsulates a practical and prof...
Jewish perspectives on neuroscience, contemplation and therapeutic meditation
Three world renowned figures discuss the neuroscience of meditation, contemplative meditation, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe's system for Kosher therapeutic meditation.
3 questions to ask before beginning any meditation program
There are so many different schools of meditation. Are they all safe? Are they all kosher?
Achieve self-mastery in 30 days
Here is a simple but vital morning ten-step meditation for achieving total self-knowledge and mastery within 30 days. It involves nothing more than a smartphone, your pocket or purse, and an active brain.
The real reason angels don’t rush in
Getting your head out of the street, and the street out of your head.
And if so, why aren’t we doing it?
Is it possible to be a good Jew, do mitzvahs, study Torah and pray to G‑d without ever thinking too deeply about who He is and what’s my relationship with Him?
Thirteen Strategies for Serenity in a Maddening World
These thirteen suggestions are among those introductory practices the authors have found to be most meaningful and helpful, gleaned from the study of chassidic philosophy, and based on nearly four decades of experience in Jewish education, clinical health...
Focused Intentions
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman provides a first entry into authentic and practical Jewish meditation. Taking us step by step through the words of the first morning prayer, providing imagery and concepts for mindful focus.
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