
Yitro Videos

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
There’s a lot we can learn from the order and sequence of stories in the Torah. In this week’s Torah portion, we begin with the story of Jethro and go on to read about the Ten Commandments, encompassing all the fundamentals of the Torah.
Yitro Parshah Report
The Parshah Report this week has been preempted by an infomercial. Get your credit card ready.
As Author of the Torah, as well as Author of the universe, G-d has the ultimate Authority on all matters great and small. And yet does this mean that human beings can never speak with authority? Are we just silent pawns in a divine chess game?
The fourth of the Ten Commandments is to honor and observe the Shabbat, the holy Sabbath. “Six days you shall labor…. and on the seventh day you shall rest,” why are we commanded to work?
Topics include: Jethro as a reincarnation of Cain, how we draw the Ten Commandments of Torah into the Ten Utterances of Creation, and why the revelation at Sinai is the basis for our belief in Moses.
The Torah records that at the giving of the Torah at Sinai the people saw the sounds and heard the sights. G-d wasn’t simply trying to impress with a spectacular production.
Soul Boost for Parshat Yitro
The uniqueness of feminine spirituality
Before G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people, He instructed Moses to first speak to the women and then to the men. Moreover, Scripture indicates that the messages were not the same. This class explores its significance, addressing the uniqueness of feminine spirituality.
Parsha Yitro
Jethro, father in law to Moses, advised Moses to create a judicial hierarchy to adjudicate the Children of Israel, for otherwise the burden of being the peoples' sole judge would clearly 'wear you out'. With G-d's consent the system was indeed put in place. But how could Moses himself not see the obvious need for these measures?! This class delves into the unique relationship that Moses has with his people. (Likutei Sichos vol. 16)
Practical Parshah - Yitro
The difference between “remembering” and “keeping” the Shabbat.
Life Lessons from Parshat Yitro
The Torah we received at Sinai is the true cure for all that ails us. This is alluded to in the very first word of the Ten Commandments.
Parshah Power - Yitro
The first of the Ten Commandments reads “I am the L-rd, your G-d, who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2) What does the reference of the Exodus add to this fundamental mitzvah to believe in one G-d?
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Yitro
The "taamim" (cantillation notes) used for reading the Ten Commandments differ when read alone than when read communally in the synagogue. What is the meaning of this special version of musical notes?
How to Study Torah - Yitro
When G-d instructed Moses to prepare the people to receive the Torah at Sinai, He said: "Speak to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel" (Exodus 19:3). The "house of Jacob," our sages explain, are the women; "the sons of Israel," the men.
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
Parsha Yitro
How do we perform the commandment of "remembering" Shabbat? Maimonides explains that it is by marking the beginning of Shabbat by reciting Kiddush and marking the end of Shabbat by reciting Havdallah.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Yitro contains 72 verses and the mnemonic for is the word ‘yonadav’ (descendant of Yisro). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Parshah Curiosities: Yitro
The Torah’s narrative detailing Mass Revelation at Mount Sinai and the momentous giving of the Torah to the entire Jewish people demonstrates the unique relationship between Jewish women and our holy Torah. Discover the secret story behind the instructions Moses received about engaging the Jewish women before the Jewish men, and see how that impacts Judaism today. You’ll also learn the mysterious story of a special gold necklace worn by our matriarch Leah!
Parshah Curiosities: Yitro
The central theme of the parsha is Matan Torah; the momentous mass revelation our people experienced at Mount Sinai. Discover scintillating secrets of this unparalleled event in this incredible exposé on the proverbial Sinai Shofar sounding that, quite literally, blew the Israelite nation away.
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on seemingly conflicting Sinai narratives
The giving of the Torah was the greatest Divine revelation in history. Rashi reveals how the Torah’s very specific description helps us appreciate exactly how close G-d was during that one-time event.
A Taste of Text—Yitro
The gateway to tolerance is humility; but humility must be tempered with healthy and guarded self-assurance.
Have fun watching an exciting puppet show for children and learn the parsha of the week with Rabbi Wagshul.
Rabbi Yosef, the Talmud relates, would celebrate Shavuot, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah, with a unique banquet. The puzzling statement he said in connection with the feast is the subject of this class. Probing the layers of the Sage’s words reveals startling new depth to our appreciation of G-d’s most precious gift. (Based on Likutei Sichos volume 16)
The Ten Commandments Are Only for Moses?
Our Sages explain that the Ten Commandments were stated in the second person singular, rather than the plural, in order to provide Moses with an argument in defense of the Jewish People after they had worshipped the Golden Calf: Moses would be able to, and in fact did, argue that the commandment forbidding idolatry was addressed to him alone and not the people! This class will address this apparently bizarre defense and will shed light on the deeper nature of idolatry and its antidote.
Parsha Yitro
One of the Ten Commandments states (Exodus 19:10) "the seventh day is a Sabbath to G-d; you shall perform no labor." This class examines three levels of resting from labor -- in action, in speech, and even in thought. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 11, p. 80)
Prior to the giving of the Torah, G-d instructs Moses: "Speak to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel" (Exodus 19:3). The "house of Jacob," our Sages explain, are the women; "the sons of Israel," the men. Explore this special feminine role on five levels of understanding.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Yitro sicha 3
Explore the innovation of that monumental day and discover how a blind Talmudic rabbi taught us to appreciate Judaism.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 21, Yitro sicha 2
Two Jews, how many opinions? How Torah creates unique unity.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 21, Yitro sicha 1
A deeper reading of Rashi on the Jews encampment at Sinai clarifies how Jewish unity is much more than national identity or shared ideals.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 21, Yitro sicha 3
The ramp for the Mizbeiach (the holy altar) teaches us that respect for a fellow Jew is respect for G-d.
At Mt Sinai, G-d's love made the Jewish people's choice obvious. But when G-d feels hidden from us, we reenact our commitment.
Some are more committed to the search for truth than to truth itself.
Two sages of the Talmud debate whether the Jews actually saw heavenly thunder at the giving of the Torah.
Introduction, Yisro hears what Hashem has done for Moshe and the B'nai Yisrael
Chp. 18 verses 1 - 7: Introduction, Yisro hears what Hashem has done for Moshe and the Israelite's; that He brought them out of Egypt. He goes out to the desert and brings Moshe his wife and two sons, who had remained in Median. He sends a message to the camp that they have come to see him. So Moshe accompanied by the whole nation go out to greet Yisro. He bows, they kiss, they exchange greetings and then they go into the tent.
Moshe greets his father-in-law
Chp. 18 verses 7 -13: Moshe greets his father-in-law. He tells him all that Hashem had done for the sake of Israel and how He had saved them. Yisro rejoiced and said "Blessed be the L-rd." He said that now he knew that Hashem was greater than any other god. He brought sacrifices to Hashem and Aaron and all the elders ate a meal with him before Hashem. The next day he watched as Moshe sat and all the people brought their cases before him from morning until evening.
Yisro sees the people are waiting to be judged by Moshe
Chp. 18 verses 14 - 27: Yisro sees that the people are standing and waiting to be judged by Moshe, from morning to evening. Yisro tells him that what he is doing will wear on him and the people. He then advises him to appoint judges of 1000, 100, 50 and 10, to help him to judge the people. Moshe consults with Hashem and appoints 78,600 able men from all of Israel to judge the people. So that the people could be judged at all times. The hard cases he judged and the easy ones they did. Moshe sent his father-in-law away and he went back to his land.
Three months after the Jews leave Egypt they reach mount sinai
Chp. 19 verses 1 - 12: Three months after the Jews leave Egypt they reach the wilderness of Sinai. They camp before the mountain. Moshe goes up to the mt. and Hashem calls to him to tell the house of Jacob and the children of Israel, that He had carried them on the wings of eagles and brought them to Him. That if they would keep His covenant that they would be His treasure . They would be a kingdom of priest and a holy nation. Moshe told them what Hashem said and they answered "all that Hashem has spoken we will do.
Hashem warns not to touch the mountain
chp. 19 verses 13 - 25: Continues with the warning from Hashem not to touch the Mt.. Moshe goes down from the Mt. to purify the people and he tells them to separate from their wives for three days. On the third day in the morning there was thunder and lightning and a thick cloud on the Mt.. They heard the sound of the shofar and the people trembled. Moshe brought the people out to meet Hashem and they stood under the Mt..Hashem descended upon the Mt. and he called Moshe to ascend the Mt.. He then told him to go dowm again and warn the people about coming to close to the Mt.. So he went down and warned the people.
The Ten Commandments
Chp. 20 verses 1 - 5: Hashem spoke to Moshe and gave him the Ten Commandments. Introduction to the Ten Commandments. The first commandment, " I am the L-rd your G-d." The second commandment, "You shall not have other gods before me."
Continueing the Ten Commandments
Chp. 20 verses 6 - 10: Continues with the Ten Commandments. The second commandment and the reward of those that keep Hashems mitzvoth. The third commandment, not to take Hashem's name in vain. Next the fourth commandment, "remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." That one should work for six days. The seventh day is for Hashem and one should not do any work. Not just you, but you are responsible for your son, your daughter, your male and female servant, your animal, and the stranger who is in your gate.
Continueing the Ten Commandments
Chp. 20 verses 11 -14: Conclusion of fourth commandment of Shabbos. The fifth commandment, honoring your father and mother. Continues with the commandment not to kill, not to commit adultery, not to steal, not to bear false witness against your neighbor and not to covet your neighbor's house, wife, etc.
Differences between the first and second tablets of the Ten Commandments
Lecture on the differences between the first set of tablets of the Ten Commandments and the second based on the writings of the Kli Yakar, and also why Moshe had to stay on the moutain for forty days and forty nights when he received the second tablets.
All the people stood at Mt. Sinai and heard and saw the presence of Hashem
Chp. 20 verses 15 -23: All the people stood at Mt. Sinai and heard and saw the presence of Hashem. They trembled and stood a distance from the Mt. They said to Moshe that he should listen to the words of Hashem and tell them, least they die. He tried to convince them to hear the commands directly from Hashem but they stood afar and Moshe went up to the thick darkness to where Hashem was. He told Moshe to tell the people not to make images of gold or silver. That they should make a alter of earth for bringing sacrifices in the place that He would chose to make His name mentioned there. It would be there that He would bless them.
The difference between a gift that the recipient is prepared for and one that comes as a purely unilateral act from the giver -- and how this applies to the Giving of the Torah and the Sin of the Golden Calf. Presenter: Rabbi Rosenbloom
The Midrash explains that the Jewish women were given Torah before the men because they donated to the building of the Tabernacle before the men and because they are the "foundation of the home." Presenter: Rebbetzin Hendel
Rooted in the giving of the Torah
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Yitro sicha 5
A profound analysis of how the holiness of Shabbos impacts the time before and after it.
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