History, inspiration and travelogue about the Holy Land

Showing support to the soldiers and our brothers and sisters in Israel
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan headed a special delegation to Israel amidst the war in Gaza. He met with soldiers, parents that lost their children in battle, and communities in the south terrorized by rocket fire; and tells of his incredible trip.

G‑d’s Roadmap
Code of Jewish Law, Laws of Shabbos, Chapter 329: If non-Jews besiege a Jewish border town—whether in the Holy Land or in the Diaspora—stating that they come only to pilfer straw, Jews are obligated to arm themselves for war, even on Shabbos, because such an intrusion opens up the entire Jewish land to attack.

Talk Like a Jew
The nations of the world are watching and waiting: “When will Jews begin to say what they’re really thinking about the Land of Israel?” When a Jew starts talking diplomatic jargon, begging the nations to take more and more land, thinking that in this way he’ll find favor in their eyes – the non-Jew doesn’t believe him, because he’s not talking like a Jew.

Why this ancient Jewish city is so special
Explore Chevron’s extraordinary Jewish history beginning with the purchasing of a burial plot for our matriarch Sarah. The fascinating historical details of Jewish life in this city for nearly four millennia will be accompanied by the mystical Jewish teachings about the unique and unparalleled holiness this ancient Jewish city holds.