Chabad-Lubavitch Video
Chabad-Lubavitch activities past and present around the world
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An Address to the Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries
Young Moshe Cohen – the son of shluchim to Manchester, England Rabbi Mendel Cohen and his late wife Esti of blessed memory, who tragically passed away just a month before this event – addresses the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries with words of Torah (Nov. 7, 2010).

The story of Jewish survival in the former Soviet Union
Defying rogue regimes, the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch and their emissaries risked their lives to keep Judaism alive across the Soviet Union. Their efforts enabled the embers of Judaism to spark the transformation of Jewish life thriving there today.

Jewish education for public school students
The Released Time program reaches out to Jewish students in public school and exposes them to their Jewish heritage and religion. Since 1941 Chabad-Lubavitch has been acting on this federal law, which allows children to be excused from class for religious instruction.

A trip with young couples embarking on the Rebbe's Shlichus around the globe.
From Siberia to Shanghai , Boca Raton to Buenos Aires , these Shluchim and Shluchos of the Rebbe tell us about their motivations, challenges and their successes in their new mission in life: bringing the beauty of Torah-true Judaism to communities large and small. (excerpt)

An Inaugural Event at Its New Building
The Chabad House Serving NYU, directed by Rabbi Dov Yona and Sarah Korn, held an inaugural event at its new 8,000-square-foot space in a building in the Bowery. Featured speakers: Vice-Chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, NYU Chaplain Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, philanthropist George Rohr, and Rabbi Dov Yona and Sarah Korn.

Sami Rohr and the Feldinger Chabad House
This video gives the background behind the historic dedication of the first synagogue to open in Basel, Switzerland since 1929. Philanthropist Sami Rohr who funded the project, was able to honor the memory of Shlomo Zalman and Recha Feldinger, who at the height of World War II provided a loving home to the young refugee. (April, 2012)

Exhibition of the Work of Yossi Melamed
The late Yossi Melamed spent hundreds of hours photographing the Rebbe between the years 1975-1992 and his collection contains tens of thousands of photographs of the Rebbe. This video highlights the extensive preservation efforts by Jewish Educational Media (JEM) to bring Yossi's work to the public.

A Jewish Message to America
Rabbi Yisroel Deren, regional director of the Chabad Lubavitch of Western and Southern New England, shares his thoughts on what the Rebbe, of righteous memory, taught us about maximizing our contribution to our country, our people and our world. (Recorded at the Connecticut State Capital at an event honoring the Rebbe on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of his passing.)

Enriching the lives of individuals with autism
The Friendship Circle of San Diego, a Chabad-Lubavitch organization that serves individuals with special needs by pairing them with volunteer teenagers and adults from the local community, has been recognized as one of the most innovative programs in the country for enriching the lives of individuals with autism.

A Celebration of Leadership: Chabad of the Valley
A video tribute celebrating the outstanding leadership of Rabbi Yehoshua B. and Rebbetzin Deborah Gordon, emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the San Fernando Valley in California. (Produced by Mayer Greene in association with Ari Greene Productions. Edited by Ari Greene)

Chabad Emissaries to S. Paul, Minnesota
The Fellers were pioneers in Jewish outreach and established Chabad of Minnestoa in 1961. This short tribute video presents a small glimpse into their work and outstanding accomplishments in strengthening Judaism with love and dedication in the upper Midwest of the United States. This video was shown at the Annual Gala Dinner of Lubavitch Cheder of Minnesota in 2016.
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