
Got Faith, Like Really?

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Got Faith, Like Really?

Faith means absolute trust in G-d. But there is something still greater than faith. (“Parsha Perks” with Dr Michael Chighel | Shemot)
Bitachon, Shemot

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olivier Mr Podevins Männedorf September 24, 2024

Please keep making these videos! Our daughter loves it really, really, really :-) ...especially the British accent for dramatic purposes Reply

Shaul Brooklyn February 15, 2023

Correction: Moshe killed the Egyptian taskmaster not with his hands but with HaShem’s name. Reply

Jonathan Garnant CA June 24, 2021

Michael, you are an incredible talent, aside from your academic acumen (Scroll Down was superb). I can give you no greater accolade on this video on faith than to say I have forwarded it on to some very special people, my adult children, thank you and well done sir, well done Reply

Eleanor Skibo Pennsylvania, USA January 9, 2021

Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is dead. Just as, if there’s a will there’s a way. These may be old sayings, but there’s more truth in these sayings then there’s apples on a blooming apple tree. A child who comes from an underprivileged family and hasn’t bee able to learn very well; no matter how many free programs, and helpful aides are put in front of him, he just won’t advance without that will to learn. And will to do anything can’t be bought, found under a rock, or taken from a brighter child and given to him. The common sense reasoning to have the will to do anything partnered with G d’s hand will be successful each and every time in every area. Reply

Mar Lopez Oviedo January 21, 2020

Love it! Thank you! Reply

Gary Tolchinsky New York January 19, 2020

Question :) Need to clarify:) If I need money to pay rent, and I think good and it will be good, is the "be good" getting the rent money (obvious) or not getting the money but confident it's for my ultimate good that I will see later in this world or the afterworld (not so obvious)? Thanks! Reply

Michael Chighel Jerusalem January 20, 2020
in response to Gary Tolchinsky:

Bitachon says very simply, bluntly and confidently: "Show me the money!" Reply

Jacob Spiegel New Jersey January 7, 2021
in response to Michael Chighel:

Isn't that a direct contradiction to the second chapter of Sefer Chazon Ish on Emunah U'bitachon? Reply

Robert Staub Boynton Beach January 18, 2020

Please keep making these videos! They are insightful, enjoyable and inspiring. Your new side-kick is adorable :-) Reply

Natalie Meyerhoff California January 17, 2020

This was amazing. I’m showing it to my children right away. Thank you so much. Reply

Anonymous Canada January 16, 2020


Perfectly said and such an enjoyable broadcast too.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom. Reply

David Miami January 16, 2020

All I can say is I wish when I was young Hebrew school was like this Reply

Gerardo Ponce January 15, 2020

Thankful Thank you. You helped me experience tears of joy. Reply

Tracy D. Wilson Sacramento, CA January 15, 2020

I am really starting to look forward to seeing these broadcasts. I have enjoyed them very much and can't wait to see what will be present next week. Behind the comedy are these wonderful lessons that are being shared that bring to me such enlightenment. Thank you. Reply

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