
The Power of One

The importance of the individual in Judaism

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The Power of One: The importance of the individual in Judaism

Podcast: Subscribe to Yacov Barber - Parsha Messages
Individual, The Power & Uniqueness of the, Shemot

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Sylvia U.K. January 3, 2016

Thank you Thank you, for this discussion. Kindness, love and charity bring us all closer. Reply

Anonymous gaithersburg January 1, 2016

greatly enjoyed it would be nice if there was a closed caption option. Reply

YC Meshchaninov December 31, 2015

I enjoyed this. It reaffirms the idea of the power of small acts of kindness and their import in our collective destiny. Although you used examples of tzaddikim, their sensitivity and attention to the needs of their fellow humans is something even "ordinary" people can relate to and follow. Thank you. Reply