
Tu B’Shevat and Healing

Nutrition from Shamayim

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Tu B'Shevat and Healing: Nutrition from Shamayim

Can the New Year for Trees be a time for reflecting on the mitzvah of taking care of our health? Learn more about the meaning of Tu B’Shevat, and some of the health and healing properties of the fruits mentioned in Deuteronomy 8:8: “A land of wheat, barley, grapes, figs and pomegranates; a land of oil-yielding olives and [date] honey.”
Tu B'shevat  
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Health, Illness and Healing, Trees, Seven Kinds, Fruit & Fruit Products, 15 Shevat

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Rachel January 25, 2024

I really liked learning from this D’Var Torah, Rabbi. I have a question regarding Oriental medicine and a word I read yesterday in either my Siddur or Tehillim. There is a medicine made from “wormwood “ or is it “Broomwood”, ? Or are they the same plant or tree? Reply

Anonymous January 16, 2022

Wow where does it say that all trees will bear fruit when mashiah comes? Awesome!

What is your opinion on Rav Kook's opinion about vegetarianism being the ideal human diet? Reply

Schneur Bear NMB, FL February 1, 2018

Very nice class, thank you! Reply

Daniel Wasserman NORTH MIAMI BEACH February 1, 2018
in response to Schneur Bear:

Thank you! I have another discussion specifically about Judaism and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which explores some interesting overlaps and interfaces between the two areas. The lecture is called "Wontons and Kreiplach: A Jewish View of Chinese Medicine". I'll send it to Chabad.org to post. Reply

Zohar Sasson Crown Heights January 25, 2016

Thank you so much! What a great combination of Torah and health! Reply

Hestie Randburg, SA January 30, 2013

thank you Thank you for your insightful teaching and that health is a Command and a Holy task - I'm convinced. - Reply

Nechama Shayna January 25, 2013

Awesome, I want to hear more from him This was excellent!! Where can I hear more of his medical teachings? Reply

Rachel Israel January 23, 2013

thanks-help please Thanks for this important lesson. Yet, I couldn't find the notes. Is there a Hebrew translation? Reply

Dean Gould: Join the fight against cancer Los Angeles, CA January 31, 2018
in response to Rachel:

Location of the notes Look underneath the screen/video and you will see a PDF attachment (grey and red square) just above the icon for the headphones Reply

רחל מושב גן יאשיה January 17, 2022
in response to Dean Gould: Join the fight against cancer:

Thanks!!!! Reply

Editor February 10, 2012

Notes His notes are attached as a PDF. Look right under the video and click on the PDF to download. Reply

רחל January 17, 2022
in response to Editor:

Thanks!!! Reply

Shirley Silver Boise, Idaho February 9, 2012

Dr. Wasserman, Nutrition from Shamayim How can I get a copy of the downloads? Very interesting topic; I would like to learn more and read Dr. Wasserman's notes.
Thank you. Reply

Julia Rubin Hamilton, MA February 8, 2012

Tu B' shevat and health Thank you for your wonderful program. It was good to have the notes to follow along. I now feel prepared for Tu B'shevat with new insight and understanding from your discussion. Reply

enjoyed! tzfat February 8, 2012

great shiur thank you - informative, enjoyable, and jewish Reply

david kazahstan, temertau February 8, 2012

fun! exsiellent todah rabah! Reply

a.s m.b. February 7, 2012

amazing would like to see much much more of Dr. Daniel.......a very well rounded lecture touching on many different facets and sources in Torah Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA February 7, 2012

Tu B'Shevat And Healing Wonderful study Dr. Wasserman! Very clear and understandable. I would be looking forward to your future teachings. I have been having lots of problems with my GI, although, I do not drink, smoke cigarrettes nor eat junk food. Most of my meals are fruits, vegetables, and fish. But are allergic to almost all processed food and/or drinks, as well as dairy products. If you have any suggestions it will be very much appreciated. Thank you again, and may G-d bless you and your family. Reply

Orietta Weinstein Charlotte, N.C. February 7, 2012

Fruits and Fruits products Tress Thank you for your Excellent teaching
I pay attention to every worda that you said, Because the importance to eat the
rigth food for our Body It is a HOLY TASK before HASHEM that created us with Soul and Splendor. Reply

Mary Adams London, Ontario February 7, 2012

Tu B'Shevat & Healing Thank-you for such a wonderful and informative presentation! Reply

eli February 7, 2012

thank you Dr. Daniel. Reply

johnnie russell laurel, ms February 7, 2012

karim tree what is a karim tree? Reply

Mr. TruckerYitz vann February 6, 2012

15th shevat very informational lecture. Reply

Anonymous melrose, Florida February 6, 2012

Tu B'shevat Is there a way to keep Kosher and also maintain a vegan diet?
Also, I was told that some fruits and vegetables and/or nuts fall into different groups (some are seen as meats-nuts and legumes). How do we know how to select the correct groupings, while at the same time, maintain a healthy, balanced diet in accordance to Law?
- Reply

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