
The Power of Positive Thought

Parshah Shemot

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The Power of Positive Thought: Parshah Shemot

"Think good and it will be good" is not just a feel-good slogan. It means that by trusting in G-d, we actually elicit His help from on High. Find out what happened when Moses doubted if he was deserving of G-d's help. (Based on Likutei Sichos volume 36, Sicha 1.)
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Moses, שמות - א, Thought, Power of; Positive Thinking, Bitachon, Shemot

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Moishe New Hampstead December 24, 2018

Thank you. Reply

Levi Y Rapoport Brooklyn December 24, 2018

Correction @ 19:43 The Author of the Chovovos wasn't the Ramcha"l. It was Rabeinu Bachya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda Reply

Melody Masha Pierson Montreal February 18, 2015

The Experience... When I found out I needed a double-lung transplant, I was afraid for not very long. I know that family and friends were concerned about me having this huge operation. However I knew it was the only way, in this world, I could continue to live. I completely trusted in G-d that He would see to whatever the outcome would be and I was sure, in my heart, that all would be good. I have never felt trust so profoundly as I did during that time. It has been seven years since my double lung transplant...and all has gone well. B'H' Reply

Anonymous New York January 6, 2015

The Power of Positive Thought BS"D Wow! Thank you Rabbi! This is so powerful and rings so true. I have a question: If someone trusts in this way and it doesn't happen; what would that mean then? They didn't really trust? Will G-d always make it good? Won't they feel deep disappointment? Reply

Jo Ann Bishop South Point, Ohio September 14, 2012

think good and it will be good an amazing truth and such a wonderful lecture Reply

Katrin August 25, 2012

Once again Rabbi Moshe speaks the truth, consoles me, and changes my life a little. It's exactly like he says, we Catholics are supposed to believe in a kind of passive way. And also, we can ask a Priest, yes, but in the end we're supposed to accept and obey and we cannot discuss or argue or even question what he says. Ever since I was a kid though, I've always wanted to change this world to the better and I have to question things constantly to find truth. I find myself in accordance with Jewish teachings almost always which is tough cause I'm living in a Christian community.
Thanks to G#d for this site! Baruch haSchem! Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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