
Stories of the Bible

Classic narratives from the Bible, unveiling G-d's relationship with humanity.

The Story of Noah and the Ark in the Bible
The Wickedness of the People, The Ark, The Flood, The Flood Recedes, The Raven and the Dove, Noah Offering, The Seven Laws, Covenant with Noah
The Tower of Babel: What Was Up With lt?
After the Great Flood, man had again begun to multiply and fill the earth. They all spoke one language and understood one another well. Then things went wrong…
Abraham’s Covenant With G‑d: The Brit Bein HaBetarim
The Covenant of Parts, one of the most important events in Jewish history, in which G-d told Abraham about the destiny of his descendants
What Were Abraham's 10 Tests?
Torah does not tell us what the tests actually were. There are actually a number of schools of thought about this. Here are some.
Sodom and Gomorrah: Cities Destroyed by G-d
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have come to epitomize moral depravity and cruelty.
12 Facts About Isaac’s Wells
More than a mere physical endeavor, Isaac’s excavation projects are laden with significance.
Jacob and Esau in the Bible
Jacob and Esau, the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca, were engaged in a power struggle throughout their lives.
9 Facts About Jacob’s Ladder Every Jew Should Know
A pivotal moment in Jacob’s life—discover what this episode represents.
Jacob Wrestles With the Angel
The angel tries to disentangle himself from Jacob but cannot do so. He is forced to beg Jacob to let him go.
Moses and the Burning Bush
G‑d met Moses in a burning bush, and requested that he become His messenger to take the Israelites out of Egypt.
War of the Egyptian Firstborn
The firstborn of Egypt, who held the key social and religious positions in Egyptian society, confronted the Jews, and were told: "We are preparing an offering to G-d. In four days, at the stroke of midnight, G-d will pass through Egypt in order to execute the tenth and final plague; all firstborn will die..."
Parting of the Red Sea
The parting of the Red Sea was performed by G‑d after the Exodus. The Israelites walked on dry land, and Pharaoh and the Egyptians drowned.
Miriam's Well: Unravelling the Mystery
Why is the well called by Miriam’s name? And what happened to Miriam’s Well after the Jews entered the land of Israel?
What Was the Golden Calf?
The sin of the golden calf is widely regarded as one of the most disgraceful moments in Jewish history.
11 Facts About Counting the Israelites in the Desert
Do you know how many times the Israelites were counted in the desert?
Balaam and Balak: The Full Story
The fascinating story of Balak and Balaam’s failed attempts to curse the Jewish people, in which a talking donkey and a sword-wielding angel also take starring roles.
The 12 Spies (Meraglim) in the Bible
Numbers 13-14
The spies were tasked with going to the Promised Land and bringing back fruit and a report, which they did. Weren’t they just being honest, sharing their findings in good faith?
Moses Strikes the Rock: The Full Story
Moses striking the rock is among the most famous and enigmatic stories in the Torah.
How Two-and-a-Half Tribes Ended Up Over the Jordan
Learn how Moses gave the land east of the Jordan to Reuben, Gad, and half of Manassah, on one condition.
Rahab ("the Harlot") and the Spies
For an informed reading of Joshua 2:1–24
The Mystery of Shiloh
A Most Important (and Mostly Forgotten) Jewish Site
Prior to the Temples in Jerusalem, a temple stood in Shiloh, an ancient town in Samaria, for no less than 369 years.
Why Was Samuel Upset by the Request for a King
And why did G‑d deem the request a rejection, when appointing a king is entirely legitimate according to the Torah?
How Did David Defeat Goliath?
In the famous narrative, young David slays Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, using a round pebble he collected from a brook.
Judgement of Solomon
For an informed reading of 1 Kings 3:15–4:1
Young Solomon asked G‑d for “an understanding heart to judge Your people.”
The Story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel
For an informed reading of I Kings 18:20–39
The Exile of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
The saga of the ten lost tribes of Israel—Part 1
It was in the waning days of King Solomon’s reign when G‑d sent the prophet, Achiyah of Shiloh, to rebuke Solomon and inform him that, due to his sins, G‑d would tear the kingdom away from him . . .
Are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Ever Coming Back?
The saga of the ten lost tribes of Israel—part 2
Can we ascertain whether the ten lost tribes are in fact ever going to come back and be reunited with the remaining Jews?
Where Are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
The saga of the ten lost tribes of Israel—Part 3
For thousands of years, adventurers and explorers have been fascinated by the lost tribes of Israel. No one has ever conclusively identified them. But there have been hints.
The Story of Jonah and the "Whale"
The Book of Jonah explained by Jewish commentaries
One of the major themes of Rosh Hashanah is “remembrance.” On this day the existence of every being is examined and scrutinized by G-d.
The Vision of Ezekiel
For an informed reading of Ezekiel 1:1–28, 3:12
The reading speaks of the revelation to Ezekiel in which he saw the entire gamut of divine beings in what he describes as a “chariot."
The Archaeological Echoes of a Young King David
Part 1
Identify Saul's palace, armor similar to Goliath's, and the places that feature in David's youth.
Archeological Echoes of David’s Flight from Saul
Part 2
Follow David's journey as King Soul pursues him across the Land of Israel.
6 Facts About Uzziah’s Earthquake
Learn about the earthquake that struck Israel in the 8th century BCE.
5 Archeological Echoes of the Babylonian Exile
The story of the Babylonian Exile as told through the lens of archeology.
15 Facts You Should Know About Moses’ Staff
One of the most iconic symbols in the story of the Exodus, used to unleash the plagues and split the sea.
13 Facts You Should Know About the Ten Plagues
A key part of the Exodus story—they demonstrated G-d’s power and delivered justice to Egypt.
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