
Personalities of the Bible

From Adam to Nehemiah: The luminaries that shaped biblical narratives

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The Story of Adam and Eve in the Bible
Adam and Eve were the first humans, created by G‑d on the sixth day of Creation and ancestors to all of mankind.
Everything About Enosh
There is very little mention of him in the Torah, and most of what we know about him and his times is from Midrashic and Talmudic sources.
The Story of Methuselah in the Bible
The man who lived 969 years
Methuselah was one of the Seven Shepherds, i.e. spiritual leaders of their respective eras.
14 Facts About Noah Every Jew Should Know
How much do you know about the righteous man whom G-d chose to survive a mighty deluge and repopulate the world with his children?
Nimrod, the Biblical Hunter
Before you go calling me names, it’s only fair that you familiarize yourself with all the details . . .
Who Was Terah?
13 Facts You Should Know About Terah
Terah was a prodigious idolator, whose son Abraham recognized the truth of one G‑d.
The Story of Abraham in the Bible
The First Patriarch
Referred to by Jewish people as Avraham Avinu, “Abraham our Father,” he was chosen by G-d.
Who Are the Matriarchs?
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel & Leah.
18 Abraham Facts You Should Know
Abraham, the first of the patriarchs, was chosen by G-d to be the progenitor of His special nation.
13 Sarah Facts You Should Know
Sarah was the first of seven prophetesses and the mother of the Jewish nation.
Hagar in the Bible
Learn 10 Facts About Abraham's Second Wife
One of the most interesting women in the Bible is Hagar, Abraham's second wife, and the mother of Ishmael. How much do you know about her?
The Story of Ishmael in the Bible
Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, yet it was Isaac who was chosen to carry on Abraham’s legacy. Why?
Who Was Bethuel?
The father of Rebbeca, (wife of Isaac) and the son of Nachor, Abraham’s brother, making him Isaac's first cousin.
The Story of Isaac in the Bible
Isaac is the second of the patriarchs of the Jewish people. He is most famous for his central role when he was almost offered up as a sacrifice to G‑d.
Eliezer of Damascus in the Bible
Learn 12 Facts About Abraham's Servant
Eliezer, the faithful servant of Abraham, is mentioned by name only once in Scripture, but there is lots to know about him.
The Story of Melchizedek in the Bible
Melchizedek, identified as Shem, blessed Abraham but lost the priesthood to his descendants for prioritizing Abraham’s blessing over G‑d's.
Rebecca of the Bible
The sages likened her stalwart ability to rise above her environment to a rose growing among thorns
Who Was Deborah the Nurse?
And Why Did Jacob Mourn Her Death?
Deborah was there because Rebecca was fulfilling a promise she made to Jacob 36 years earlier.
The Story of Jacob in the Bible
Learn the story about Jacob, the third Patriarch, who fathered the 12 tribes of Israel.
14 Facts About Jacob Every Jew Should Know
The third and final patriarch of the Jewish people, he carries the by which the entire Jewish people became known.
Esau's Autobiography
A cautionary tale of violence and villainy
14 Facts About Esau Everyone Should Know
Esau was the twin of Jacob, but his polar opposite in many respects. Read this article to learn more about him.
Rachel in the Bible
Learn 12 Facts About Jacob's Beloved Wife
Along with Sarah (wife of Abraham), Rebecca (wife of Isaac), and Leah (her sister and fellow wife of Jacob), Rachel is one of the four mothers of the Jewish people.
Diary of Leah
This is not the actual diary of Leah, wife of Jacob. To the best of my knowledge, no such document exists.
Leah in the Bible
Learn 13 Facts About Jacob's First Wife
At first Leah appears to be negative, weak and pale. But the more we dig, the more we learn and come to appreciate Leah, her strength, her quiet inspiration and her unending devotion.
14 Facts You Should Know About Laban the Aramean
Find out about this notorious trickster with deep family connections to our patriarchs and matriarchs.
The Story of Bilhah and Zilpah in the Bible
Learn about the mothers of Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher, four of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
The Story of Judah in the Bible
1565-1446 BCE
Judah, Jacob's son, led Israel's tribe, linked to kingship and Moshiach. His lineage formed the Jewish identity after Judea's survival.
The Story of Joseph in the Bible
From Prisoner to Prince
Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt, where he ultimately became ruler of the land, second only to King Pharaoh.
The Story of Simeon in the Bible
Simeon, Jacob's son, was known for his volatility and key roles in Shechem and Joseph's story. His tribe was later scattered in Israel, with diminished numbers.
Dinah in the Bible
Learn 10 Facts
Torah tells us that Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah, was the victim of rape. Oral traditions add to our understanding of this special woman.
12 Facts About Judah Every Jew Should Know
Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Compared to a lion, Judah was the ancestor of the royal House of David. He made mistakes and rectified them, blazing a path for others to follow.
Reuben in the Bible
Learn 14 Facts About Jacob's Firstborn
The High Priest wore a breastplate with 12 precious stones, one for each of the tribes. The first stone, etched with Reuben’s name, was the red ruby.
Benjamin in the Bible
Learn 12 Facts About Jacob's Youngest Son
Learn about the life and impact of Jacob's beloved, youngest son.
12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim
Jacob had twelve sons. The offspring of each these men became the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.
8 Fascinating Facts About Serach, Daughter of Asher
Learn more about Serach, who is best-known for telling Jacob that Joseph was still alive.
A Mini Profile of Pharaoh of the Exodus
What do we know of Pharaoh, the evil king of Egypt who played a key role in our formation as a nation, from the enslavement to the Exodus?
Who Was Amram?
Amram, son of Kehot, led the Jewish people in Egypt and fathered three of the greatest leaders in Jewish history.
10 Facts About Amram You Should Know
Learn about the leader of our people in Egypt, who was the father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.
11 Fascinating Facts about Yocheved, Mother of Moses
Learn about the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses.
10 Facts About Miriam Everyone Should Know
Learn about Miriam, the prophetess of the Bible, whose life and legacy is celebrated until today.
Who Was Elisheva?
Elisheba appears just once in the Torah. To learn more, we dig deep into rabbinic and kabbalistic texts…
13 Facts You Should Know About Bithiah
Daughter of King Pharaoh, who defied her father’s harsh decree and rescued a Jewish baby in the Nile.
The Story of Jethro in the Bible
Jethro (or Yitro or Yisro) was a Midianite priest and the father-in-law of Moses. He is mentioned three times in the Pentateuch, once in the Prophets and in numerous places in rabbinic literature. Let us learn what we can about this fascinating figure.
The Story of Moses in the Bible
Prophet and Lawgiver
The greatest prophet who ever lived, Moses (Moshe) transcribed the Torah (also known as the Five Books of Moses), the foundational text of Judaism.
17 Facts About Moses Every Jew Should Know
Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi.
The Story of Aaron in the Bible
Aaron personified kindness. His life’s work was the endless and vigorous promotion of peace.
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