
Jewish History and Culture Quizzes

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Take the Sodom Quiz
The city that sinned against G-d and was destroyed as a result.
Take the Medieval Rabbis Quiz
Test your knowledge of the rabbis who shaped post-Talmudic Judaism.
Take the Jewish Lifecycle Customs Quiz
How familiar are you with these Jewish traditions?
Take the Mishnah Quiz
Test your knowledge of this essential text of Jewish learning.
Take the Levite Quiz!
From the Temple to Today: What Do You Know About the Levites?
Take the Temple Mount Quiz
What do you know about the holiest site in Judaism?
Take the Mount Sinai Quiz
Think you know about this mountain?
Take the Chabad History Quiz
What do you know about the Chabad Movement?
Take the Angels Quiz
From Lot's escape to Shabbat hymns: What do you know about angels?
Take the Hassidim Quiz
Beyond black coats and fur hats, what do you know about the Hassidic way of life?
Take the Beth Din Quiz
You don't need to be an attorney to answer these questions correctly.
Take the Kohen Quiz
From blessings to birthright and beyond! Uncover the sacred mysteries of the Kohanim.
Take the Miracles in the Torah Quiz
Seas splitting, shofars sounding, plagues, paranormal visions… what do you know about the miracles in the Torah?
Who anointed King David? Where did the story of Purim take place? Test your knowledge of early Jewish History!
Take the Jewish Timeline Quiz
Did David come before Deborah? Did the Tabernacle come after the Temple? Do you know the Chachamim from the Chassidim? This is your chance to test your Jewish timeline mettle.
Take the Talmud Quiz
What do you know about this major work of Jewish scholarship? This is your chance to test your Talmudic smarts and have fun!
Take the Jewish Clothing Quiz
Do you know a sheitel from a shtreimel, a kipah from a kapote? This quiz is for you!
Take this quiz to see how well you know some of the basic beliefs and practices of Judaism
British Jewry Quiz
Take this quiz to see how well you know the Jewish community of the United Kingdom.
Take the South Africa Jewry Quiz
How much do you know about South African Jewry? Take this quiz to find out!
Take the Food and Judaism Quiz
Take this quiz to see how much you know about food and Judaism!
Take the Ashkenazi Food Quiz
Can you tell between a knish and a kishke, and a kugel and a kichel? Here’s your chance to find out!
Take the Ashkenazi Last Name Quiz
Quiz yourself on some of the most common family names found among Ashkenazi Jews today.
Quiz: Do You Know Enough Yiddish to Order a Bagel in New York?
How well do you know Yiddish? Would it make your bubby kvell? Test your Yiddish skills with this 10-part quiz!
Quiz: Do You Know Enough Yiddish to Order Cholent in Monsey?
Take our 10-part test to see how well you know Yiddish (and have a few laughs along the way).
Take the 12 Tribes Quiz
How much do you know about the progenitors of today’s Jewish nation?
Take the Jewish Language Quiz
What do you know about the languages traditionally spoken by Jewish people. Here’s your chance to find out!
Take the Synagogue Quiz
10 questions to test your synagogue smarts. Ready? Let's go!
How Much Do You Know About Famous Rabbis?
Answer these 9 questions and see how much you know about great rabbis who shaped Jewish history
Can You Guess the Historic Jewish Names of These Cities?
To Jews, many of these places have their own names, different than those used by their non-Jewish neighbors.
Take the Jewish History Quiz
Test your knowledge of Jewish history, from ancient times to the present, and discover significant events, figures, and milestones.
We have so much to be thankful for!
Take the Wine and Judaism Quiz
Take this quiz to see how much you know about wine and Judaism!
Take the Jewish Gravestone Quiz
How much do you know about Jewish Gravestones? Take this quiz to find out!
Take the Mishkan Quiz
How much do you know about this fundamental element of our nation’s spiritual life?
Take the Famous Shuls Quiz
Test your smarts, and gain some new knowledge, about significant synagogues large and small that have shaped our nation.
Take the Jewish Headgear Quiz
Is headgear really that complicated? Find out here!
Take the Jewish Home Quiz
Test your knowledge of the particulars of a Jewish home!
Take the Dreams in the Torah Quiz
Dreams played a central role in the lives of our forefathers. How much do you know about dreams in Judaism?
Take the Jewish Warriors Quiz
Do you know who led the battle against Amalek? How about the war against Ammon?
Take the Jewish Quotes Quiz
Hey, who said that? Test your knowledge of Jewish wisdom with this quote quiz!
Take the Spies Debacle Quiz
Dive into the biblical account of the spies and discover what you know.
Take the Great Flood Quiz
How well do you know the Great Flood?
Take the Prophets Quiz
How well do you know the prophets of Tanach?
Take the Basics of Judaism Quiz
Do you know when Shabbat begins and who the Patriarchs are?