
People Quizzes

Take the Rebecca Quiz
How well do you know the Matriarch Rebecca? Test your knowledge!
Take the Ruth Quiz
Test Your Knowledge of This Celebrated Convert
Take the Judah Quiz
Do you know your Judah facts?
Take the Reuben Quiz
What do you know about the eldest of the 12 sons of Jacob?
Take the Dinah Quiz
Test your knowledge of the sister to the 12 Tribes.
Take the Laban Quiz
What do you know about Jacob's Father-in-Law?
Take the Isaac Quiz
Test your knowledge!
Take the Sarah Quiz
Test your knowledge of this matriarch. 
Take the Lot Quiz
Who was he, and what do you know about him?
Take the Rachel Quiz
How much do you know about this matriarch?
Take the Chana Quiz
She prayed with sincerity and was answered. 
Take the Alter Rebbe Quiz
What do you know about this famous Jewish leader? 
Take the King Solomon Quiz
Known for his sage counsel and peaceful reign, test your knowledge of King Solomon.
Take the
What do you know about this special group of sisters, for whom the laws were changed?
Take the Phinehas Quiz
What do you know about the man who demonstrated zealotry for G-d?
Take the Jonah Quiz
The prophet who attempted to flee from G-d.
Take the Korah Quiz
What do you know about this infamous character?
Take the Joshua Quiz
Test your knowledge of Moses' successor. 
The shepherd boy who rose to fame and became the most renowned of Jewish kings
Take the Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai Quiz
What do you know about this great sage?
Take the Rabbi Akiva Quiz
What do you know about this illustrious sage?
Take the Haman Quiz
Haman Expert or Novice? Find Out Now!
Take the Mordecai Quiz
Hero of the Jews—what do you know about him?
Take the Queen Esther Quiz
How well do you know the heroine of the Purim story?
Take the Ishmael Quiz
A biblical character who was a father of nations, how much do you know about Ishmael? 
Take the Great Kabbalists Quiz
Test your knowledge of the defining figures in the history of Kabbalah.
Take the Pharaoh Quiz
What do you know about the powerful leaders of ancient Egypt and their Jewish connections?
Take the Leah Quiz
Jacob's first wife, and Rachel's rival—what do you know about Leah?
Take the Esau Quiz
Jacob's nemesis and a figure shrouded in controversy—what do you know about Esau?
Take the Eliezer Quiz
He is mentioned by name once in Torah. How much do you know about this parshah hero?
Take the Bithiah Quiz
Do you know who she was?
Take the Benjamin Quiz
Do you really know his story?
Take the Adam Quiz
10 questions about the biblical character Adam, How much do you know?
Take the Elijah Quiz
How much do you know about this famous prophet, who makes appearances at the Passover Seder and will herald the Redemption?
Take the Abraham Quiz
Explore our forefather Abraham, in this quick quiz.
Take the Mothers of the Torah Quiz
How well do you know the Mothers in the Torah? Take this quiz and find out!
Take the Maimonides Quiz
See how well you know the life and works of this great sage.
Take the Women of the Bible Quiz
See how well you know the great women who shaped the destiny of our people.
Take the Baal Shem Tov Quiz
Find out how much you know about Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism.
Take the Jewish Heroines Quiz
How much do you know about the brave, wise, faithful and resourceful women who have shaped our nation’s destiny?
Take the Moses Quiz
Take a minute to see how well you know Moses, THE Leader of the Jewish people.
Take the Fathers in the Torah Quiz
How well do you know the Fathers in the Torah? Take this quiz and find out!
Take the Judaism and Women Quiz
How much do you know about women's history and traditions in Judaism? Find out!
Take the Aaron Quiz
Take a minute to see how well you know Aaron, the the first high priest of the Israelites.
Take the Miriam Quiz
How much do you know about Miriam, one of the most important woman in the Torah?
Take the Noah Quiz
How well do you know Noah, one of the heroes of the Book of Genesis? Take this quiz and find out!
Take the Jewish Authors Quiz
Test your knowledge of well-known Jewish books!
Take the Sons and Daughters in the Torah Quiz
Quiz yourself on your knowledge of children in the Torah!
Take the Patriarchs and Matriarchs Quiz
How much do you know about the men and women who shaped the course of history forever?