
Holiday Quizzes

Take the Matzah Quiz
What do you know about this Passover staple?
Take the Maror Quiz
What do you know about this Seder night highlight?
Take the Dreidel Quiz
Grab some chocolate cash and test your knowlege of this beloved Chanukah activity.
Take the Chol Hamoed Quiz
How well-versed are you in the traditions of Chol Hamoed? Challenge yourself with our quiz.
Take the Pesach Sheni Quiz
How much do you know about this special holiday? Answer these 10 questions to test your Pesach Sheni knowledge!
Take the Splitting the Sea Quiz
What do you know about this extraordinary event?
Take the Passover Foods Quiz
Do you know what Jews eat on Passover and what these foods signify? Take this quiz and see for yourself!
Take the Seder Terms Quiz
Do you know the Korach from the Kaarah or the Maggid from the Matzah? Take this quiz to find out.
Take the Passover History Quiz
Do you know the history of the Passover celebration. Here's your chance to find out!
Take the Shofar Quiz
How well do you know the shofar? Take this quiz to test your shofar smarts!
Do you think you know Passover? This quiz will have you second guessing yourself over and over again.
Take the Jewish Holiday Quiz!
See how much you know about the Jewish holidays with this fun quiz!
Play Purim True or False!
Here's a fun game to see how much you know about the joyous holiday of Purim.
Take the 10 Plagues quiz
See how much you know about the ten plagues with this fun quiz!
Take the Lulav and Etrog Quiz
Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Lulav and Etrog!
Take the Jewish Fast Day Quiz
How well do you know the Jewish fast days? Take this quiz to find out!
Take the Seder Quiz!
Refresh your Seder memory with this fun quiz!
Take the Exodus Quiz!
How well do you know the story of the watershed exodus of the Jewish people? Find out here!
Take the Purim Quiz!
Brush up on your Purim facts with this fun and simple quiz!
Take the Rosh Hashanah Quiz
See how well you know the basics of the first holiday of the Jewish year
Take the Rosh Hashanah Services Quiz
See how well you know the prayers we say on Rosh Hashanah and what they mean
Take the Yom Kippur Quiz
See how familiar you are with the most sacred day on the Jewish calendar…
Take the Sukkot Quiz
Take these 10 questions to see how well you know the joyous holiday of Sukkot.
Chanukah Quiz
Test Your Hanukkah Knowledge!
Brush up on your Chanukah studies, and take the challenge!
How Much Do You Really Know About Passover?
Take the Chabad.org Quiz and Find Out
Take the Lag BaOmer Quiz
Here is a fun way to see if you are a Lag BaOmer expert
Take the Shavuot Quiz!
9 questions to see how much you know about this Biblical holiday
Take the 17 Tammuz Quiz
Here is a quick way to make sure you are up to speed on this special day and its significance.
Take the Tisha B’Av Quiz
10 questions from Chabad.org to see how much you know about this important fast day.
Take the Chanukah Menorah Quiz
Test your menorah knowledge!
Take the Megillah Story Quiz!
Do you remember the entire story of Purim? See how well you do!
Take the Omer Quiz
How much do you know about the special mitzvah we do at this time of year? Find out now!
The Chanukah Story Quiz
How well do you know the story of Chanukah? Take this quiz to find out!
Take the Purim Heroes and Villains Quiz
How much do you know about the characters in the Purim story?
Chanukah Heroes and Villains Quiz
See how much you really know about our Chanukah heroes and villains!
Take the 9 Days Quiz
Here is a quick way to make sure you are up to speed on this special period and its significance.
High Holiday Quiz
This quiz will tell you if you know the basic observances and rituals that characterize this special time of the Jewish year.
Take the Sukkah Quiz
Take this quiz to see how much you know about the shelter in which Jews dwell during the holiday of Sukkot (“shelters”)
Take the Upside-Down Etrog Quiz
The question that has flummoxed Jews for generations: Is the etrog upside-down or right-side-up?
Take the Purim Food Quiz
Do you know your Purim foods? Take this quiz and find out!
Take the Shavout Customs Quiz
From Sinai to Cheesecake: Test Your Shavuot Knowledge!
Take the Afikoman Quiz
See what you know about the afikoman.
Take the “Three Weeks” Quiz
During this period we mourn the past and nurture hope for the future.
Take the 10 Days of Teshuvah Quiz
What do you know about the significance of these 10 days?