Heaven Exposed: Kabbalistic Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Insider stories of the truth behind heaven and earth
70 items in this section
![]() The backstory behind oppression, suffering, darkness and everything else that ever goes wrong.
It was an eerie feeling as the orbit of the planets suddenly swung into reverse. The moon was no longer receiving and reflecting light; as though sucked inwards, radiance flowed from the moon to the sun...
![]() A SciFi/Fantasy version of the classic story of Moses' battle with the angels to receive the Torah.
The classic case, Ministering Angels v. Moses, reported in the Talmud, has been public knowledge for millennia. Only recently, however, has the complete story come to light. Here is the entire dialogue as reconstructed from some of the declassified transcripts.
![]() The inside story behind the Chanukah miracle
"In direct consequence to the overwhelming success of the Maccabee project,
the administration of Heaven Inc. has decided to provide yet another wondrous
manifestation of the truth behind the cosmos, a.k.a. a miracle. We are presently
accepting proposals..."
![]() I know this sounds kind of strange, but remember, physicality originally was just a way of tightly focusing in on divine energy. Making abstract ideas more “concrete,” so to speak. Only when the world descended and Adam had to leave the garden, did physicality come into the conflict with spirituality we see now.
![]() Video | 2:45
The wait is up! KabbalaLabs Inc. finally releases a consumer version of their unique Isifier, including a comprehensive video tutorial. Miri and Feivel begin their journey exploring the kabbalistic secrets of isificatedness.
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Interested in creating your own worlds out of nothing? Here’s where to start.
![]() Learning Kabbalistic truths from simulation games
I would know the life of a predator or a victim, even a worm, or a plant or a rock. I would experience the satisfaction of munching green leaves, the fear of an attacked animal; the choices of the hero, of the villain, or the coward. All would recognize the Me that is within them, and even I would find Myself
there. And be surprised. If you’re G-d, you can surprise even yourself