
Seven Modes of Being

Seven multimedia meditations aligned with the seven sefirot for the seven weeks from Passover until Shavuot.

Giving: A Meditation
Seven Modes of Being: A Sefirat HaOmer Series
There is a deep pleasure in giving, deeper than any pleasure you could receive.
Restraint: A Meditation
Seven Modes of Being: A Sefirat HaOmer Series
You’ll never know yourself until you have held yourself back.
Beauty: A Meditation
Seven Modes of Being: A Sefirat HaOmer Series
Beauty is a paradox. There is no beauty until beauty conceals herself.
Winning: A Meditation
When your life depends upon it, there is only one you.
Wonder: A Meditation
Start each day with wonder and open your eyes to the miracles that abound.
Trust: A Meditation
If you had made yourself you would be toast. But you didn't.
Earth: A Meditation
If you had made yourself you would be toast. But you didn't.