The Hebrew word “kosher” (כָּשֵׁר) literally means “fit.” The laws of kosher define the foods that are fit for consumption for a Jew (as well as the ritual items that are fit to be used), but the word has come to refer more broadly to anything that is “above board” or “legit.”
Many commercial foods are certified kosher, meaning that they contain only kosher ingredients. (See: Kosher Symbols)
Kosher animals include mammals that chew their cud and have split hooves, fish with fins and scales and certain birds. (See: Which Animals Are Kosher?)
Kosher slaughter means that the kosher mammals and birds have been killed in a special painless procedure known as shechitah. (See: What Is Shechitah?)
Koshering meat is the process of removing blood from meat, since kosher laws do not allow the consumption of blood. (See: Koshering Meat)
In a kosher kitchen, only kosher food is processed, and milk and meat are kept separate as per the kosher laws. (See: Meat & Milk)
Koshering utensils refers to the process of purging residue of non-kosher food that was (accidentally) absorbed. (See: Koshering Your Kitchen)
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