
Lifecycle Events

From birth to death in Jewish tradition and practice

Brit Milah, upsherin, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, marriage, aging and retirement, bereavement and mourning... from birth to death in Jewish tradition and practice

Birth & Parenting
A soul becomes a life
Practical and inspirational articles, pictorial essays and guides on pregnancy and birth - from our Women's site.
The Hebrew Name
All About Jewish Names
The Kabbalists say that a person’s destiny is wrapped up in the combination of Hebrew letters that make up his or her name.
Bris: Circumcision
Circumcision is the first commandment given by G-d to Abraham, the first Jew, and is central to Judaism.
Pidyon Haben
Redeeming the Firstborn Son
Pidyon Haben: We are commanded to “redeem” firstborn sons after they reach 30 days of age. What is the significance of this rite, and how is it done?
What it means and how it is celebrated
What is a Jewish birthday? ... What happened on your birthday? ... How to celebrate your Jewish birthday ... Jewish birthday calculator …
The Upsherin
A Three-Year-Old Jewish Boy's First Haircut
Bar Mitzvah
Entering Adulthood
What is the deeper significance behind the Jewish adolescent rite of passage? Insights . . . Resources and tools . . . Special milestones.
Bat Mitzvah
Entering Adulthood
If you're a girl aged 11–13, this site is for you. You’ll discover the deeper meaning behind your bat mitzvah; be inspired by powerful Jewish women throughout our history; and, of course, get ideas for creating an awesome bat mitzvah celebration!
The Jewish Wedding and Marriage
Dating, Weddings and Married Life in Judaism
Two can become one—when soulmates tap into the singular soul they share. Join us as we explore this quest for oneness, as empowered by the timeless laws and traditions of the Jewish wedding and marriage.
Jewish Divorce: Get
...a last resort, but sometimes necessary
Divorce is a last resort, but sometimes it's the right thing to do. Jewish divorce basics, readings, in-depth study, and related topics
Aging & Retirement
The Jewish view on aging and retirement
Death & Mourning
Jewish Traditions & Practice Relating to Death and Mourning
Our tradition encompasses all of life, day and night, light and dark. Even in the most difficult of situations--the imminent and then actual loss of a loved one--our Torah is there to strengthen us, to guide us, and to help us grow and see beyond our loss.
Mourner's Kaddish
One of the most sacred rituals observed by all Jews throughout the generations is the practice of reciting the Mourner's Kaddish prayer for the merit of the departed soul.