G‑d and Us
99 items in this section
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The world seemingly runs by rules of cause and effect and laws of nature. If so, how does G‑d get His "foot in the door" in this world. Does He override cause and effect and the laws of nature?
Rabbi, you say that we’re supposed to be good without anticipating rewards. What do you mean? Isn't there the concept of heaven, and rewards, in Judaism?
On the one hand, I can see gratitude as a sign of faith, as it means that we acknowledge the involvement of G‑d in our lives. But is faith required in order to be a grateful person? Don’t all decent people say “please” and “thank you”?
This question is from my nine-year-old daughter. I started answering and realized I was not talking on her level. Can you help? "Why would a supposedly good, just and loving G-d allow so much suffering in the world?"
Literally “blessed be G‑d,” it is used by Jewish people in everyday conversation as a way of expressing gratitude to G‑d for whatever we have.
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