

How old is the universe? Is psychoanalysis kosher? Why the big picture of the Rebbe in your living room? What does Judaism say about the aliens from outer space?

Is Hamsa Jewish?
This amulet of a hand, often with an open eye, is common in some Jewish circles. Is it kosher?
What Is a Shomer?
Shomer (plural shomrim) is Hebrew for “guard” or “keeper,” and it is used in a variety of ways and contexts in Judaism and Torah.
Why Don’t Chassidim Wear Sunglasses?
There is no tradition banning sunglasses. Several factors may have contributed to their unpopularity.
Is It Unlucky to Sit at the Corner of a Table?
If your grandmother is Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, or Ukrainian, there is a good chance she grew up with this superstition.
Name Changes in the Bible (Torah)
Throughout the Torah various people have their names changed. Abram becomes Abraham, Sarai changes to Sarah and Hoshea to Joshua. Jacob even gets an entirely new name: Israel. What is the significance of these changes?
Why Is It So Hard to Immigrate?
Your difficulty is not uncommon. In fact every soul goes through a similar process on its journey to higher worlds.
Why Are Some People Deaf?
My four-year-old asked me some hard questions that I wasn’t sure how to answer, like “Why did G‑d make people deaf? Did they do something bad?”
Is Déjà Vu Real?
I often get déjà vu, the sensation that I have already lived this moment before. It has happened when I travel to new destinations with people I have never met, and I feel that I have been there in that place, with the same people, hearing that very conversation before. Is there a Jewish explanation for this?
Why Do We Write Hebrew from Right to Left?
Learn the answer to this simple-seeming question in the light of history, Jewish law, and kabbalah.
Do Jews Cross Fingers?
Is it wrong for a Jew to say “I’m keeping my fingers crossed” for good luck? And if so, is there a Jewish equivalent to crossing fingers?
What Is the Significance of a Rainbow in Judaism?
It is a beautiful and colorful aspect of G‑d’s world, but it’s also a reminder of tragedy. We are taught not to stare at it, but we do make a special blessing when it appears in the sky. Let’s see what the Torah has to say about the rainbow.
Where Can I Apply to Become a Chabad Emissary?
How Can I Join? Will You Pay for My Airfare?
Of the hundreds of e-mails we receive every day at Chabad.org, many are from adventuresome, idealistic young men and women seeking to work at a Chabad house in an exotic location.
My Husband Watches Too Much Sports
Every time his team loses, he loses more of his faith...
Is the Internet Evil?
I've heard that some rabbis have "banned" the internet and consider it one of "Satan's tools." Obviously, however, Chabad does use the internet as a tool to serve G‑d. What does the Torah say about using this medium?
How Can I Be Happy?
When I look at myself and my life I see plenty of reasons to be miserable. Am I supposed to be able to just switch on happiness at will?
What Can I Do about My Bad Luck?
Is it possible for someone to have bad luck? I am a college graduate, a learned man, but cannot seem to make any money...
What Can I Do About My Ego?
Fighting your ego is like trying to think about nothing: the harder you try, the further you get from your goal
What've You Got Against TV?
Aren't you a bit cut off from reality? How do you know what's going on in the world without a television in the house?
Can Hallucinogenics Aid Spirituality?
I've heard that certain tribes used various narcotic substances to help achieve a mystic state. Is there room for this in Jewish practice?
Dealing with the Psychological Scars of Childhood
Repression or sublimation? What is the Torah perspective on how to deal with deep-seated feelings of anger, sadness and anxiety?
Is Psychoanalysis Kosher?
And are there Torah alternatives?
There are similarities between the Freudian model of the human psyche and that described by Rabbi Schneur Zalman in his Tanya. But there’s also a major difference with serious impact: where Freud sees the underlying force within man as his sexual drive, the Tanya sees it as his G-dly soul.
I Don't Want To Get Old!
Will I be content and happy to live as a wrinkly old woman whom no one looks at?
Should Jews Celebrate Halloween?
I know its origins aren't very "Jewish," but I'm worried that my kids will feel left out if they can't go trick-n-treating in the neighborhood...
Do Jews Believe in Karma?
In ancient Egypt, it was called "ma'at," in Greek, "heimarmene" or "fate" and in Germanic, "wyrd." Basically, the idea is: You can't escape the system
Why the Big Picture of the Rebbe in Your Home?
I don’t mean to be rude, but is this type of reverence for a human being appropriate?
Is There Life on Other Planets?
The Jewish view on UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence
What does Judaism say about the Discovery of Aliens?
Would the discovery of ETs (extra-terrestrials) threaten organized religion?
Selfish Desires and Sinful Thoughts
Where is the meat?
You are one of the luckiest people around. Selfish desires or sinful thoughts? That's fantastic!
The Land of Milk and Honey
Our dream to move to Israel is finally becoming reality. We are making aliyah next month. I know it will be challenging. Any advice?
Should I Go?
I just received an invitation from my friend to her son's Bar Mitzvah. Unfortunately, a few years ago, we had a bad fall out. Should I go?
Am I Always too Busy?
My partner tells me I should spend more time chilling out, relaxing, and just enjoying life. And that I should do things purely for entertainment value.
When Do I Help Her Grow in Her Observance?
When I try to approach my friend or encourage her to do more, she gets hyper-sensitive and tells me that I am pushing her...
Lost Tribe in New Guinea?
Did you see the video of the tribe in Papua New Guinea singing the Shema Prayer in Hebrew? I found it fascinating!
Will the World End in 2012?
I don’t know what will happen in 2012 but I do know that the world will not end.
Why Do I Need to Learn to Read Hebrew?
I’m studying for my Bar Mitzvah and really need some motivation for learning to read Hebrew. I'd rather stick to English...why should I bother reading Hebrew? Besides, I don't really understand it.
Does Everything Have To Make Sense?
And if they don't, how are we supposed to know what to do?
If everything does have to make sense, what’s the criteria for making sense? And if some things don’t have to make sense, how’s human being supposed to know what’s right and what’s wrong?
Is Beauty Truth?
If something is beautiful, is it true? Is a beautiful symphony as true as a scientific fact?
If something is beautiful, is it true? Is a beautiful symphony as true as a scientific fact?
Why Do I Need a Spiritual Mentor?
Each and every one of us needs a spiritual teacher and mentor to help us maximize our soul’s potential in divine service...
Rabbi, Help, I Am Having Nightmares
How to get rid of bad dreams in Judaism
I have been having nightmares for years, sometimes in batches several days together, about myself, various friends and relatives. They are never true, yet they have greatly tortured and complicated my life. They make me scared, and many times have paralyzed me to inaction.
How Do We Know When Moses Died?
Understand the Talmudic reasoning behind the date - Adar 7.
Is This Month Cheshvan or Marcheshvan?
Some call it “Cheshvan” and others say “Marcheshvan.” To complicate matters, on your own site, you have it both ways.
Etz Chayim: The Tree of Life in the Bible and Beyond
The Tree of Life first appears in the Bible in the story of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden of Eden.
Since the Jewish day changes at nightfall (and the night generally begins when the stars come out), this brings to mind a number of halachic challenges for observing mitzvot.
Is It Ok to Ask for a Blessing at the Ohel?
Hi Rabbi. A friend of mine who is trying to get married told me that he went to the Ohel to pray. Since when do Jews ask human beings (living or otherwise) for blessings? Don’t we just pray directly to G-d?