
The Book of Purpose

At the Essence there is nothing but the burning purpose of this moment now.
Where there is purpose, there is no fear.
When they tell you, “You can’t go on that path, it’s beyond you!”—grab that path as your destiny.
Stop seeking perfection and start fixing the world.
The River Up
Our destiny is determined, with one exception: Will we be the spectators, or the heroes?
There are times to bend like a reed in the wind; times to act as a stubborn wall against the tide.
You are a somebody because your purpose is everything.
G-d turned off the lights, so that we could make decisions on our own.
The ultimate delight is when your child does it all on his own.
Apathy flows with ease. Kindness must climb mountains.
All that's left is to open our eyes.
Every day of your life you are born, live your life through, and pass on from this world.
Each day awaits you to give it life.
Before your soul descended to this world, it was determined she would succeed.
Growing up means discovering there is something greater than me. There is my purpose.
There is an outer world that is but a stage. And there is an inner world, its soul for which it was brought into being.
When we have purpose in life, the big and the small resonate in unison.
Know you are not an angel. Know you are not a beast. Know you are human.
Nothing is more precious to us than that which we create through toil and struggle.
Defy terror with beauty. Do kindness beyond reason. Combat darkness with infinite light.
Whatever is permissible must be used for the good.
The only way to change the world is by changing who you think you are.
One day soon, the material world will speak more than any spiritual being could know.
Where do you find G-d? In the work of our hands, repairing His world.
Inspiration cools down—so that you can grab it and make it real.
The world exists because G-d believes in it.
G-d loves you unconditionally. But He still wants you to grow up.
Love that is good, love that has meaning, such love is up to you alone.
Only in darkness can you choose light.
The most powerful act is to surrender the delusion of power.
Have genuine love for people and you will attain genuine love for G-d.
Nothing precedes G-d's choice to care.
A mitzvah is not a means to an end. A mitzvah is the embodiment of divine desire.
Does G-d need you? No, He desires you. With the essence of desire.
The ultimate relationship is that between you and the One that made you.
We all suffer a maddening delusion of being something separate from G‑d.
The same truth that the genius perceives in his world of intellectual abstraction is found in the simple world of the child, where every thought can be touched and seen.
You can’t choose how you feel, but you can choose what you think, and what you think has the power to change how you feel.
G-d is your mirror. Uncover His love for you and He will uncover your love for Him.
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